This is the `chronosys' package v1.15, 2012/04/08.

You can find the documentation of this package in docchronosys_fr.pdf (french) and docchronosys_en.pdf (english).

The current maintener of this package is Mathieu Long (mail :

This package is used for drawing timelines.

This package contains the files docchronosys_en.tex, 
docchronosys_en.pdf, docchronosys_fr.tex, docchronosys_fr.pdf,
chronosys.sty, chronosys.tex, x-chronosys.tex, chronosyschr.tex and 
this README, and it enables the commandes:
\startchronology, \stopchronology, 
\definechronoevent, \definechronoperiode, 
\setupchronoperiode, \setupchronoevent, 
\chronograduation, \chronoevent and \chronoperiode.

It uses the package `tikz' for drawing. 
Since the 1.2 version, `tikz' is used at least possible, and MetaPost 
is is used instead of `tikz' on ConTeXt MkIV.

You can use it in plain TeX, LaTeX and ConTeXt.


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