fancyhdr   – Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX
extramarks - Extra marks for LaTeX

The package provides extensive facilities, both for constructing headers
and footers, and for controlling their use (for example, at times when
LaTeX would automatically change the heading style in use).

This is version 5.2 of fancyhdr.sty and extramarks.sty.

The distribution package from CTAN (e.g.
consists of the following files:

README               This file
fancyhdr.dtx         The complete source of the package and documentation
fancyhdr.ins         The installation file; run through TeX to generate *.sty
fancyhdr.pdf         PDF of the documentation

After processing (by tex) of fancyhdr.ins, the following package files will be generated:

fancyhdr.sty      v5.2 2025/02/07 the LaTeX package
extramarks.sty    v5.2 2025/02/07 a package for additional marks
extramarks-v4.sty v4.5 2024/11/30 a legacy version of extramarks.sty
fancyheadings.sty v4.1 2022/11/09 this loads fancyhdr with a warning message

If you have a user distribution package from github (,
then you don't have to do this processing.

If you have a source distribution from github (,
it will also contain the .sty files, but not the .pdf file.
To create fancyhdr.pdf, either just run the 'make' command, or:
latexmk fancyhdr.dtx
To recreate the .sty files run:
tex fancyhdr.ins

The package fancyheadings included here is an ancient version of fancyhdr.
It should not be used anymore. It just loads fancyhdr with a warning message.

The documentation (fancyhdr.dtx/fancyhdr.pdf) describes both
fancyhdr.sty and extramarks.sty.
In order to latex the documentation you need to have a copy of
boxedminipage.sty (CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/boxedminipage) and
refcount.sty (CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/) installed.

The older versions fancyhdr.sty version 3 and extramarks.sty version 2
are the packages as described in the second edition of The LaTeX
Companion. That documentation can still be used for the newer
versions, but some of the newer features will be missing.

LICENCE: All files in this package may be distributed under the terms of
the LaTeX Project Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base
LaTeX distribution. Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later
Pieter van Oostrum.