The files in the archive MLBIB.ZIP include the following
macros and files for LaTeX:

        INSTALL.03     Driver for Installing the package
	LOCAL03.TEX    Input to the local LaTeX-guide "`local.tex"'
	MLBIB.STY      LaTeX-style file MLBIB
	MLBIB.DTX      LaTeX-style files MLBIB in DOC.STY option format
	MLBIB.DVI      Documentation in dvi format 
        JOURNAL.BST    BibTeX style file JOURNAL
(NR)    JOURNAL.BIB    BibTeX database of econ./psych./soc. journals (short form)
        PAPER.BST      BibTeX style file PAPER
        THESIS.BST     BibTeX style file THESIS
        THESIS.BIB     BibTeX database of econ./psych./soc. journals (long form)
	README.03      This file
	TEST03.TEX     Example input text for MLBIB.STY
        TEST03.BIB     Example BibTeX Database

Run `LaTeX install.03' for installing the package. Needs 
the `docstrip' utility. 

Updates are available via anonymous ftp to host
`' or from CTAN.
wenzel matiaske  |           / /_/-Berlin
                 |  mail:   Technical University Berlin
                 |          Dept. of Economics, WW6
                 |          Uhlandstr. 4-5, D-10623 Berlin
                 |  phone:  +49 30 314-22574
                 |  email: