The show2e package

                  \show variants for LaTeX2e commands

              Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard (


This small package aims at making debugging (esp. in an interactive way)
easier, by providing \show variants suited to \LaTeXe's commands (with
optional arguments or robust) and environments: those variants also
display the internal macros used by such commands, if any.  The \showcs
variant helps with macros with exotic names.


show2e.sty:      the package itself
show2e.pdf:      the (English) documentation and documented code
show2e-fr.pdf:   the French documentation

show2e.dtx:      source for both documentations and package

Version info

2008-03-13  v1.0    first release


This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the
details of that license.