% (C) Lars Madsen, daleif@math.au.dk, 2019/03/06
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This small package use the pgfkeys pacakge to solve the problem of
using the ]a,b[ syntax for indicating an open interval. Instead of
having to type this as \mathopen{]}a,b\mathclose{[} users can simply

  \interval[open]{a}{b}        (= ]a,b[ with proper spacing)

Other usages include

  \interval[open left]{a}{b}   (= ]a,b])
  \interval{a}{b}              (= [a,b])

We also provide a simple interface to switch to the more convenient
(a,b) tradition for specifying an open interval.

See the manual for details. 

* v0.4:
  Added \ointerval, \linterval, \rinterval short hands (suggested by Frank Mittelbach).
  They are just shots ways to say, say, \interval[open]{a}{b}, etc.

  Removed \intervalsetup (now gives an error if used, was set to equal \intervalconfig)

* v0.3: added the colorize option
* v0.2: typo in manual