README for the package protocol

Please note: Without changes, this package is only useful for
             german users! It is planned to internationalize it, but
             up to now, I had no time for it. Everybody, who likes to
             help is welcome.

The files in this directory (protocol distribution) are

 Copyright (C) 1997 Projektgruppe ACIT, Lehrstuhl VII,
                    Fachbereich Informatik, Universit"at Dortmund
               1997-1999,2006,2009-2012 Thomas Leineweber (
 This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
 conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
 of this license or (at your option) any later version.
 The latest version of this license is in
 and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
 version 2005/12/01 or later.

 This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
 The Current Maintainer of this work is Thomas Leineweber.

 This work consists of the files protocol.dtx, protocol.ins,
 protest.tex, readme
 and the derived file protocol.cls.


Before you report an error, please check that:

  - the error isn't caused by obsolete versions of other software;
    LaTeX from 1986 is a good candidate ...

  - you use an original version of the package.

  If you think you found a genuine bug please report it together
  with the following information:

  - version of the file

  - version (date!) of your LaTeX

  - a short test file showing the behavior with all unnecessary
    code removed.

  - a transcript (log file) of the session that shows the error.

Please note that it is important to make the file as small as possible
to allow me to find and fix the error soon.

If you have an unchanged version of my package protocol, you can send me
error reports to

Files distributed with this package

protocol.ins         This is the installation script that will produce
                     the executable file protocol.cls when run through LaTeX
                     or TeX.
protocol.dtx         `protocol' style for LaTeX in docstrip format.
README               This file.
protocol.pdf         Documentation generated from protocol.dtx.
protest.tex          A test file showing the usage of the package.


- This readme is mostly copied from the readme from the dinbrief package by
  K.D. Braune and R. Gussmann.
- Boris Majowski made a better implementation for the next meeting.
- Ludger Humbert and Christoffer Timm showed me an error in the next meeting
- Johannes Pieper had many nice enhancement requests.
- Andre Dierker provided a better logic in the case the place of the next
  meeting is not provided.
- The commands \vote and \actionitem are proposals from K. Lautenschläger.