LaTeX package scanpages
# Copyright 2014--2016 Michael Sharpe, msharpe at ucsd dot edu.
 # This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
 # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
 # of this license or (at your option) any later version.
 # The latest version of this license is in
 # and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
 # version 2005/12/01 or later.
 # This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
 # The Current Maintainer of this work is Michael Sharpe.
 # This work consists of the files scanpages.sty, and replicate.plist.
Current version: 1.05a, 2016/12/02

Changes in version 1.05a
Corrections/additions to documentation.

Changes in version 1.05
1. Corrected some misbehaviors in scanpages.sty and some misinformaion in scanpages-doc.
2. Made a small font with just a square and circular shape to act as eraser-heads---used in new macros \whitesq, \whitecirc.

Changes in version 1.04
Added options to include the page number from the original scanned document. (Thanks to Gill Williamson for his very useful input on this feature.)

Changes in version 1.03
Corrected a number of issues in scanpages.sty and its documentation so that the package now works as documented.

Changes in version 1.02
Corrected documentation and modified the scripts to handle text documents using carriage return for end-of-line.

Changes in version 1.01
AppleScript modified to remove dependence on external library TSLib. It is now self-contained.

The sty file package contains macros to assist in embellishing a scanned document from the pre-TeX era, correcting positioning, adding footnotes, hyperlinks, indexing and so on. The script files provide ways to reduce the labor in preparing a .tex file with the required flexibility. For details, consult scanpages-doc.pdf.